Coach |
BCLL Skills & Axioms (204 KB) Curriculum that Banneker City Coaches will teach your child at each division. |
Coach |
Little League Abuse Awareness Training Mandatory training for all league volunteers. Sign-up here. |
Coach |
Little League Coach Pitch Program (9 MB) Roadmap to making Coach Pitch fun. |
Coach |
Little League Diamond Leader Training Program Mandatory training for all league volunteers. Sign-up here. |
Coach |
Little League Tee-Ball Program (34 MB) Roadmap to making Tee-Ball fun. |
League |
BCLL Constitution (454 KB) Banneker City Little League's Constitution. |
League |
BCLL Draft Rules (1 MB) Banneker City Little League's Draft Rules. |
Parent |
Banneker City Registration Form / Medical Release (398 KB) Needs to be filled out by parent/guardian for each player. |
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Parent |
Banneker City Scholarship Form (315 KB) Apply for a Banneker City Scholarship. |
Parent |
Registration Flyer (Baseball) - English (2.9 MB) Help promote Little League baseball & softball. |
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Parent |
Registration Flyer (Baseball) - Spanish (3.0 MB) Ayude a promover el béisbol y el softbol de las ligas menores. |
Parent |
Registration Flyer (Softball) - English (563 KB) Help promote Little League baseball & softball. |
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Parent |
Registration Flyer (Softball) - Spanish (4.1 MB) Ayude a promover el béisbol y el softbol de las ligas menores. |
Safety |
Banneker City Safety Plan (3.7 MB) Our safety policies and protocols. Must read for all parents and volunteers. |
Safety |
COVID-19 Safety Protocols (259 KB) Help promote COVID-19 safety protocols. |
Safety |
COVID-19 Screening Questionnaire (189 KB) COVID-19 Screening Questionnaire. |
Sponsor |
Banneker Upper Field Project Overview of the Banneker Upper Field Project and how you can become a part of this legacy. |
Sponsor |
Banneker Upper Field Project — Pledge Chart (982 KB) Pledge your support to the Banneker Upper Field Project. |
Sponsor |
Sponsorship Packet (940 KB) Become an official league sponsor. |
Volunteer |
Little League Abuse Awareness Training Mandatory training for all league volunteers. Sign-up here. |
Volunteer |
Little League Diamond Leader Training Program Mandatory training for all league volunteers. Sign-up here. |
Volunteer |
Volunteer Application (258 KB) Must accompany a copy of your Driver's License to volunteer with Banneker City. |